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subject: Silent Auction Item Displays: How To Create Vertical Displays Without Using Acrylic Stands [print this page]

Silent Auction Item Displays: How To Create Vertical Displays Without Using Acrylic Stands

Silent auction items are more easily seen when they have a vertical display. Most often used are acrylic stands. But if you prefer a different look, or can't find a reasonably priced plastic stand, here are three other ideas.

These ideas typically involve more hand labor and may involve costs associated with having the frames built. On the positive side, your auction will have a more distinct look and the silent auction descriptions will be easier for guests to read. (Sometimes the acrylic frames can create a glare which makes it difficult to read about the item. This is important to remember if your auction fundraiser will be in a brightly lit area that could cause a glare on the displays.)


One auction team printed item descriptions in large font on standard 8.5" X 11" white paper. They glued the standard white paper to a heavier-weight colored paper (a posterboard-type of material) and cut the posterboard slightly larger than the white paper in order to give the description a colored edge.

Then they fabricated a stand-up template from the same posterboard and glued it to the back of the "frame" to ensure the entire description would stand securely on the table without a prop to hold it.

The effort involved considerable manpower and the cost of the posterboard was more than purchasing an acrylic stand, but the organization sought to have an oversized look. They achieved it through this process.

The description was printed in large font and the entire white paper was secured to the oversized "frame." Because of the presentation, guests found the descriptions easy to read as they shopped the tables.


One auction team used heavier-stock paper to create each vertical display, but opted to keep the size a standard 8.5" x 11".

The paper came with an attached stand-up prop (made by a sign company) on its backside which folded out, similar to what one might see on a photo frame.

The team printed out the item description on standard 8.5" x 11" paper and secured it to the paper frame. It was ready to be displayed on the silent auction tables.


Fold a standard 8.5 X 11 sheet in half, and you now have a display that will easily stand by itself (just as a place sitting tent card stands on its own). If the paper is too flimsy, glue it to some construction paper and then fold it.

A descriptive title in large font should be on the paper (such as "Two Nights at Hotel ABC") with the full description of the item (including any restrictions) written on the bid sheet.

Copyright (c) 2009 Red Apple Auctions LLC

by: Sherry Truhlar

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