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The Impact Of Adding A Video Conference System To A Business

It is easy to find evidence of the impact digital signage has made in the world of business. The Internet has websites, including blogs dedicated to this industry, which is also known as Digital Out of Home (DOOH). Despite a decrease of about 3% in ad spending, spending on DOOH has continued to increase by 9% every year over the last 6 years. The possibilities for use are numerous. This medium has found a purpose in retail, hotels, airports, hospitals, areas of transit, social and work gathering places and more. In addition to the purpose of getting the information to the audience, it also serves in influencing customer behavior in direction to specific areas and increasing the dwelling time spent there.

Though created with retail in mind, it seems the retailers are slower at implementing the latest communication technology. Perhaps it can be credited to the slowing economy. Digital signage is an effective tool in brand building, which would benefit retailers greatly. With the ability to change the message being conveyed almost instantly, it is perfect for large and small retail venues. By decreasing the time spent on signage that usually occurs in retail, employees are kept available for the most important job of customer service.

Aside from the obvious use in advertising, digital signage is an effective medium in communication for employers to use in boosting morale and keeping employees motivated and focused. Some examples are using it to acknowledge outstanding performance by a person or group, displaying relevant information that will assist in productivity, and contribute to a safe work environment. As a form of communication it also holds the capability of building a more positive relationship between customers and vendors. Something as simple as welcoming visitors or employees builds goodwill.

Digital signage saves time and money over the traditional printed signage. Our brains are geared towards motion. It captures attention and holds it because of our human nature and tendencies. Printed material is static and time consuming to create. Digital signage also appeals to our desire for instant gratification. If you examine the time spent on watching television as opposed to reading, whether it is books or newspapers, you'll find a dramatic difference. It is a difference that grows vaster every year. This alone is an indication as to why this medium will be get and hold attention better than the static printed medium.

To look for digital signage solutions, simply do a search on Google or browse through your local directory like Yellow Pages.

by: Cheow Yu Yuan

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