subject: Online Ninja Training - Can You Master Ninjutsu By Doing It All On Your Own? [print this page] Have you been looking for online ninja training? Are you without a teacher or authentic Ninja dojo close to where you live? If so, have you been trying to learn this powerful martial art on your own?
Many people know that solo training is both a viable, as well as an historical training method, the next question becomes: "Can solo training provide everything that you need to progress to mastery?"
And, while the "dojo advocates" would argue that you cannot - the "do-it-your-self-ers" are just as quick to counter with the opposite point of view - that, yes, it is not only possible, but that you will be "just as good.".
However, due to my own experience in trying to master the Ninja's arts, I have found that the answer is not so easily argued. As with anything in life, extreme opposites are rarely where you find truth. And, the same is true when it comes to trying to learn martial arts or self defense on your own.
In fact, I was a solo student. The path that I took to get where I am is the same one that you are trying to walk right now. And, it is because of my own background, method of study, and eventual discoveries, that I believe I am uniquely qualified to talk about and guide others.
Now, I'm not saying this to impress you, but rather to impress upon you that, even though you are "flying solo," so-to-speak, that you are not alone when it comes to trying to produce results through this method.
So, what I'd like to do, instead of telling you whether or not you can do this, or which method is better - dojo or solo - is to discuss the benefits and advantages of each.
First, the primary benefit of dojo training is not what most people think it is. It is not having a teacher to "show you the right way to do things."
Anyone who is even partially aware in today's world, knows how easy it is to get video-based Home Study Courses. In fact, rather than spend their hard-earned money on a well-structured, professionally produced program, scores of students and those interested in learning martial arts and self defense, try to do so by searching through the countless video clips on YouTube, and other online video directories.
Video allows for you to see the same demonstrations of techniques that you would see in the dojo. And, no matter how many times your instructor shows the same technique to you, he or she can never compete with the "rewind" or "replay button on your machine or computer!
No, the primary benefit of live training with a teacher - in group classes or private sessions - is the fact that you can get direct, real-time, feedback...
...on how YOU are doing.
If the teacher is any good at actually "teaching" - at understanding and providing criticism and correction based on each student's individual needs - then training with a teacher gives you a tailored approach, as opposed to the blanket, "one-size-fits-all" instructions that you would be limited to from a book or video.
In fact, if you've ever attempted to learn from a book or video - or several of them - you probably know the frustration of hitting a wall and running into something that you don't understand. And, in most cases, there is no one, author or teacher included, that you can call, or go to see, to clarify things for you.
The other thing that dojo training provides - again, one with good student service and with the right student support systems in place - is ongoing motivation and the inspiration of "things to come," outside of the curriculum and program that you're currently working through. Instead of merely telling stories about what the past masters could do, or showing off to impress students - good instructor provide guidance, direction, and the real-time feedback that you need to progress at a regular, steady pace.
On the other hand, solo training has it's own benefits. And, again, these are not what most people would think of.
Some of the benefits of solo training include, but are not limited to:
a) Freedom to choose what you're going to work on
b) No worries about conforming, and therefore offending, any teacher, style, or set of rules
c) The ability to train around your own schedule
But, from my experience, the primary benefit of solo-training is the ability to objectively focus on your training based on what you KNOW you need!
But, the downside to all of this is that you don't have what dojo training - training with a good teacher - can give you. Direct feedback to keep you on track, and to give you perspectives and things to consider that you may have overlooked - or not even knew existed!
And, then there's the reality that you may not have a choice!
Even with all of the martial arts and self defense groups out there - perhaps even in your own town - you may still find yourself in a position where NONE of those available is a fit with what you need!
So, the point here is that, both of these methods has benefits and limitations. But, you still need to do something.
The question is, "what?"
I believe that the answer lies in you knowing what you need - and where you can get each element of your training program.
In the days when I began training, I had very few books or videos, so I had to travel to get live training. Even as books and videos became available - I still had to travel to get the direct feedback and review time that I needed from a teacher.
But today, we have the power of the internet. The fact that you are reading this, proves that there are elements of your training that you can get beyond that of training in an actual school. And, there-in lies the key.
What if there was a way to be able to train on your own - through choice or by necessity - and still get the benefits of both extremes?
Well, there is. It's called "online coaching." And by combining the elements and benefits to be derived from books, videos, and other media, with online, web and phone-based interaction with a teacher you can get the best of both worlds!
So... would you like to get the training you need? How? By finding a professional online ninja training program that's run by someone who has down it - who has attained a level of mastery - and done what you want to do.
by: Jeffrey Miller
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