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subject: Successful Claims On Insurance Policies [print this page]

Successful Claims On Insurance Policies

Federal and state laws require motorists to purchase insurance policies to cover for the injuries and damages that they may inflict on other people in case of car crash accidents.

Also, insurance policies are also an assurance that victims injuries and damages will be properly compensated by their provider as stated in their policy. However, some claimants are rejected of their claims because of miscommunication, and sometimes, through fraudulent schemes and bad faith of these companies.

Even if you are eligible for claims, you must not be hasty in filing for these compensation. Being careless in the process will also jeopardize your chances of receiving the right compensation for your injury.

To avoid this, here are few tips on insurance claims do's and don'ts to effectively claim for the damages to your property and physical injuries you sustained.

Write down all the details of the accident as soon as possible so that you wont forget anything and that accuracy can be assured.

Document the accident by taking pictures of the damages using your cellular phone or digital cameras if possible.

Call authorities who will respond to the scene and investigate the accident or act of violence that occurred.

Get a personal copy of the police report

If possible, obtain the insurance and contact details of the person liable for your damages.

Contact your insurance provider to inform them of the accident and the negligence of the other party.

Ask the representative on how to file claims for your coverage and follow each step.

Inform the representative/agent of every repairs and hospitalization treatment that you will need.

If the above steps have been followed and still, you are rejected of your claims, it is highly advised that you acquire the services of an expert lawyer who can make sure that you will be compensated for your damages.

Also, if the company denies you of compensation but you are sure that you are covered, confer with a personal injury attorney who can reinforce your claims and be your legal representative if litigation will have to transpire.

Importance of Full Coverage

There are instances when the negligent driver in an accident has insufficient or no insurance coverage at all. In these scenarios, an uninsured / underinsured policy will allow you to file claims to your company.

Many choose not to purchase his coverage because of its higher premiums but its coverage will guarantee you of compensation in the event of an accident.

Claims of compensation to be filed in your insurance should be taken seriously as it will cover the damages on your end. However, claimants must keep in mind that there is also a limit as to how much they can seek from their provider.

For more queries on how to pursue claims, it is best to call a lawyer and let him evaluate if you are eligible for claims.

by: Ivonne Jade Agustin

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