subject: Oppositional Defiant Disorder Ruins A Childs Social And Academic Life [print this page] Oppositional Defiant Disorder in children indicates the recurrent pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior towards parents, elders or senior authorities like teachers. It is quite true that children are oppositional from time to time and especially when they are extremely tired, stressed, hungry, and upset. Defiant behavior is considered usual among the children of two to three years of age as well as among early adolescents. But if the behavior of a child is found to be different from other children and it is persisting for more and more years, then he has certainly developed Oppositional defiant disorder. Such an out of control child easily loses his temper, enters into argument with adults, and refuses to adhere to rules and instructions at home or school. His incessant pattern of uncooperativeness, stubbornness, defiance, hostility, and annoyance disrupts his cognitive processes and he keeps spinning a negativistic web around him.
Oppositional defiant disorder intensifies the already chaotic and stressful family life of a child. Filled with the feeling of resentment and vindictiveness, he always exhibits a rude behavior and utters bad words. Such defiant children are the victims of their own predispositions, which disable them to go against the defined regulations. Their unpredictable and impulsive attitude really annoys people around them. They don"t have the sense of responsibility as well as accountability. In fact, they tend to blame others even for their own mistakes. These children feel pleasure in deliberately irritating other people. Resultantly, they lack the efficiency to establish and sustain bonds or relationships.
The occurrence of Oppositional defiant disorder is somewhere related to the kind of structure existing at the home of a child. If the structure is tight, parents remain extremely vigilant and control each and every activity of their children, which may be disliked by them and they become defiant. On the other hand, when the structure is loose, parents give freedom to their children and maintain leniency. They don"t interfere much in their children"s activities. Children may misuse this opportunity and cultivate oppositional defiance in their nature. Apart from this factor, Oppositional defiant disorder is also linked with another big child behavior problem, i.e., Reactive attachment disorder, whereby a child is not nurtured with the adequate care and attention during his infancy. Ultimately, he starts detaching himself from his care giver and avoids making trustworthy bonds with anyone. During the course of his development, this attachment disorder also grows and he may acquire the undesirable traits of defiant children.
Parents find it difficult to deal with their defiant children. However, it is very important to opt for a suitable treatment after recognizing the symptoms of Oppositional defiant disorder. Failing to do which, parents my have to face severe consequences. RAD Consultancy is a modern organization whose experienced counselors offer effective ODD treatment. The methodologies don"t require long counseling sessions but a quick method is offered to cure the behavior of an out of control child.
by: Aaron Lederer
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