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How To Choose The Best It Support Company For Your Business

We have all heard the horror stories from friends and colleagues who have suffered mass of data loss when the computer system fails. The impact upon business can be extensive and horrific as well as being very expensive.

So, it comes as no surprise that more businesses are moving to protect themselves by selecting support services from IT consultancy firms.

Here are a few pointers to assist you in choosing the best support company to your business:

Reliability Is Paramount. This is probably the greatest perceived risk to any business will face when choosing their IT consultancy firm. Reputation for technical expertise is one thing, but this will account for nothing if the company does not have a proven track record of providing a reliable service level. Of course, every IT consultancy will make this promise that the only way you can assure yourself on this point is to talk directly to some of their customers. It is best to do this research yourself by visiting their clients wherever possible. Most businesses are happy to share their experiences and this is the definitive way of making your assessment.

Security Management. Your financial records and other vital business information will be in the hands of whichever consultancy firm you choose, so you need to be aware of the exact security measures they will implement to ensure that your records are not only kept confidential but are also available in the event of significant data loss. Once again, when checking with their existing client base about their reliability, you can cover issues such as security management at the same time. This way you will get a complete picture of the company you are considering which will make your decision making a lot easier.

Changing Needs. If you are expecting your business to undergo growth in the coming years, it is vital that you choose an IT consultancy firm that can maintain the pace of your expansion with you. You should ask them whether they have ever had a client who has gone through a growth period and ask them what process they used to adapt to those changes. A good consultancy firm will have expansion plans in place and will be able to detail the steps that they will take to give you some reassurance.

Costing. Although this is not the most vital consideration, you still need to have an accurate estimate of costs so you have the complete picture. Make sure their contract includes every possible contingency along with a detailed analysis of how each service is priced and charged. The cost for each service will usually be ever contracted rate for a particular time frame, so you will need to make allowances for increases in changes at the end of each contract period.

It is important to practice your due diligence during this selection phase as it is likely you will be involved in a long-term relationship with whichever company you choose. Make sure your IT outsourcing process is as thorough as possible to ensure that you are comfortable both financially and professionally.

by: Zoran Tasevski

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