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Top 10 Sales Job In Texas

The numerous job opportunities at Texas in the field of sales are sure to leave you amazed. This article gives a brief account of the top 10 sales job that are available in different locations of Texas. Take a look at them and decide the best option for yourself.

Sales representative job

At taft durst inc. a sales representative is required who can do the work of marketing the technology involved in making light emitting diodes (LED) lamps and the fixtures. The whole country would one day switch over to this technology, and this is for the good, and by being part of the sales department you can actually help this change to take place.

Sales representative to find developers

A national company called the HomeAway is looking for a responsible sales representative who would operate at Texas and who can search developers for the purpose of vacation properties. It is a commission basis job where the percentage ranges from 12 to 15 % of the sale. A person of good communication skills is what they require.

Entry level sales job at Abilene

A solar rental company called thefutureofsolarisnow is looking for a sales representative who can operate from home as well. If you are interested in eco projects and you seriously want to contribute for the reduction of global warming, then this is the right job for you. No experience required you just need to be a graduate.

Sales job at Houston

You need to be a four year graduate for this job. It is an excellent job where you would learn the operation of sales department as a management trainee. The post is permanent. You can lead a team and grow yourself as an independent person. The company is called the team to succeed.

Sales manager job at Houston

If you can work with computer and love staying at home and work, then the work of sales manager in the company called the true co intl. would provide you with the required support and training for any additional skills.

Internet advertising sales job at Houston

If you are a student and looking forward to earn fast cash, then the company called iPromote will be of special help to you. Not too much of work pressure and you can stay back at home and work for this.

Sales executive (telecom) Dallas

A telecommunication service company called the Jericho group is looking for a sales executive. If you are a bachelor with a degree in electrical or electronics, then this is the right kind of analytical sales job that you are looking for. Send your resume to the company.

Outside sales advertising executive at Dallas

The company selling crossing is offering the above post, if retail advertising sales are your interest fields then go for the company which just demands a graduate.

Sales job at Brazoria

The company called meltmiabella produces gourmet candles for adorning those special moments in the lives of people. If you want to be a part of that then jump for this one which offers a permanent post.

Sales representatives at Laredo

EZlocal is looking for a sales representative for their work in local online advertising and search. The post is permanent. You just need to have some knowledge on online marketing and good communication skills for this.

by: Silas Reed

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