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subject: Why My Company Switched To Business Voip Service [print this page]

Why My Company Switched To Business Voip Service

When it came to business VOIP service, my partners and I were admittedly a little hesitant at first. We'd heard of the disadvantages, like that if the internet is down the phone lines will be down as well, or that if the office loses power it will cut out the phones with it.

We've since learned many VOIP service providers offer solutions to these kinds of problems. Issues that come from temporary internet failures are now solvable on a majority of VOIP broadband phones.

We'd also heard negative rumors about the service, many of which turned out to be untrue. Rumors such as poor sound quality, unreliable service, and that nobody and no company actually uses VOIP. Boy, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

But the truth was, it wasn't until we saw the true advantages of using business VOIP service that we realized we were making the right decision.

VOIP service turned phone calls into internet-transferrable date just like an e-mail. Not only will this drastically decrease the cost of your business telecommunications, it will likely improve your groups productivity simultaneously.

The technology is new, and while this makes many business people nervous (ourselves included, initially) the fact is that this "new-ness" is just reason to be optimistic on the continuing improvements. The earliest VOIP products initially had very low sound quality an aspect that has stuck with VOIP as an untrue rumor today. However, the technology has improved (and will continue to improve) to such a degree that a plethora of currently prospering businesses cancelled their traditional phone systems to go with a VOIP broadband phone.

Of course, it's always about the bottom line. financially, that is. That is why the free calls aspect is highly publicized and the most well-known advantage of business VOIP service. The most savings occur for companies with multiple branches across the globe who need to be in contact with each other; however, the curtailing of costs is still largely significant for even the smallest of businesses.

Additionally, special phone features that are typically extra expenses for landline service (features such as caller ID, call forwarding, and call waiting) are normally provided without additional costs by a majority of business VOIP service providers.

There's also the "Blowfish Affect," which means VOIP service providers give you options that will make your small business seem much larger than it is. These features include cheap 1-800 numbers, relatively inexpensive virtual PBX, and outside lines for every member of your company.

So, whether it's to increase productivity, to decrease spending, or just to make your company look a little bigger than it is, VOIP broadband service is the way to go. Ignore the rumors and minor disadvantages, and realize that the plusses way outweigh the minuses. We sure did.

by: Mark Etinger

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