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subject: Costa Brava -the Spanish Property Recession Beating Investment [print this page]

It's hard to believe but there is actually a place in Spain where property prices actually went up in the worst ever Spanish property recession Spain has ever known. So how comes Costa Brava in the East of Spain achieved what every other European Province or Costa dreams of?

Costa Brava is where France meets Spain and is home to the worlds greatest restaurant El Bulli and the wonderful Kylie Minogue. Costa Brava is now the safest Spanish property investment in the whole of Europe with property rising 0.23% during this current Spanish property recession. Now that has to be an achievement to be proud of. So what makes this possible?

There are 3 major factors that make this possible with the first one being location that cant be beat with second home owners from nearby Barcelona an across the border in France and the upmarket owners from France and Ireland. The second reason is there just isn't the oversupply of property that you have in all the other Costas of Spain. It has a perfect Supply and demand. The third reason is the place itself being the Spanish Saint Tropez with incredible Views, Restaurants and Beaches.

The only problem for some Spanish property buyer is that they just can't come to terms with the prices for the property having read about the great property recession here in Spain they can't bring themselves to pay those prices.

However as investment goes it has to be one of the safest investments in Europe because if house didn't go down in value in this recession then you can be pretty sure they won't go down in value in the future. However the average price increase is about 1 or 2 percent so whilst you wont lose money you might get a better return on your property investment in other areas of Spain when the recession is over

by: Xana Sexta

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