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Cash Surveys - Scams Or Possible Money

Advertisements for making money for doing surveys can be found all over the internet. Emails, banner ads and viral ads almost harass us at every move. But cash surveys have been around for a while, and can be a mixed blessing for many who at least give them a try.

Can you really make money doing surveys online? Yes. But you'll never make much even if you try to turn this into a full time job. Many of the survey sites, consumers find out too late, don't pay you anything until your account reaches a minimum amount of usually $30 to $50 or more, and that can take over six months!

There are some reputable sites out there, however. You get credited immediately after finishing a survey you qualify for, and if you're lucky enough to be able to do qualify for one or two surveys a day, there's a good chance you can cash in about $10 each week. That might not sound like much, but it's what you can realistically expect.

When you register with these survey sites, do take the time to fill out the profiles they ask of you. The profiles help determine which surveys are emailed to you. However, even with these allegedly well screened surveys, there's a good chance you still won't qualify and earn anything.

Some sites do exactly what they promise, and many survey lovers prefer to stick with these few. The sites will credit your account right away after you finish a survey successfully rather than doing what other sites do - making you wait weeks before you get credited.

These more reputable sites have much lower minimums, frequently only $10, and if you can finish a few surveys a day you could very well cash in about $10 every week, and get paid very quickly. Most companies pay using PayPal and even pick up the PayPal fees for you.

by: Areelitaha Joahlanski..

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