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subject: Merry Miller: In The World Of Business And Entertainment Success [print this page]

Merry Miller: In The World Of Business And Entertainment Success

Its been more than two decades since Merry Miller began playing the harp in her local parties for free of cost. Since then, the success that this intelligent beauty has achieved can be nothing but phenomenal and inspiring for others who wish to achieve their goals and ambitions. Merry Miller didnt have any of those material things that might make success easier. But her inner ambition and clarity in what she wanted was enough to drive her forward and help her succeed at almost whatever she tried.

But of course it wasnt all a bed of roses for her. Nothing seemed to happen so easy. She was however a practical woman. She had a regular salary paying job always which she claims not only helped her finances but also in meeting other important people who could help her get further in her music ambitions. Miller spent her weekends and free time practicing and performing in various places with hopes of spreading her beautiful music. Though she began playing at a young age with the piano, her passion for the harp helped her play harp music that was uniquely soothing and beautiful. Slowly, her fame spread all throughout the country and she was invited to far away cities for higher paying shows.

Miller continued to be in the corporate world and also thrived unlike so many others. This could especially be because of Millers abilities at business and management. She was good in whatever she did in the entertainment and management departments she entered. Soon, she was the EVP of the Learning Annex. It is a continued education organization for adults. Before Miller, it gave a few lectures every month and has students who seemed to be performing average. There was hardly anything about the school that would make it stand apart.

However, the moment Merry Miller took charge, she found out various ways of making the school work better. She took the inspirational help of many celebs whose words and lectures were fun and mentally nourishing for many students. The way the school worked under Miller caused its revenue to jump from around 3million USD to more than a 100 million USD in just a couple of years.

Such feats have secured a place for Miller in the world of business and entertainment success. Her story is inspirational for many and she is an important part of the community of professionals for making a better life for themselves and others.

by: Kevin

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