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subject: Who Is The Best Candidate To Receive Financial Aid? [print this page]

Who can receive the financial aid for education in the USA? Well, only people who proved their skills and knowledge. It is necessary to have excellent marks, to show outstanding abilities or achievements, accurately represent future after receiving aid. The more accurately you see the future, the more chances that representatives of university or fund will see your confidence. As a rule, money arent given to those who does not know how them to dispose.

Kinds of the financial help on training in the USA

In the USA four kinds of material aid to students are most popular.

Scholarship is the most widespread kind, also it is mentioned more often (even for a designation of other kinds of the help). Scholarships are paid in various forms, from the certain sum of money to the discount for education payment. The grant can be paid as periodically, as one time.

Grant is one time financial aid directed on a specific goal. As a rule, provides competition.

The grant for research work (Fellowship) is the grant which imposes obligations on its addressees: research, teaching, work or training.

Award is a rather small sum which is paid one time for a victory in any competition, and also for concrete achievement in educational process or a social life of an educational institution.

Sources of financing of training in the USA

Private funds sponsor those who want to educate Post-graduate programs, and also support the scientific researches which arent directed on receiving of a scientific degree. As a rule, it is necessary to prepare the research project for application for the grant.

Educational institutions of the USA support only their students, and counting on their help is possible only after transferring in university or college. In universities you can be paid as small awards for successes, as to be provided with full financial aid; all depends on the status and university possibilities.

by: Kevin Harden

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