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subject: Chicken Coop Size: Is It Best To Build A Smaller Or Larger Coop? [print this page]

Chicken Coop Size: Is It Best To Build A Smaller Or Larger Coop?

When building a coop for your chickens, the chicken coop size is very important. In our busy lives, smaller coops can often be the best option for fitting them into our lives.

Why A Smaller Coop Could Be Best

The benefits of using a smaller chicken coop size include the actual fact that they're a good deal less demanding to keep clean than larger coops. After you've removed the chickens from the coop, it doesn't take long to get it properly clean. It does not take much scrubbing after you've used a hose to wash down the coop.

A smaller design will also save you a lot of money. You won't need as many materials as you'd with a larger design. On top of this, it requires less hardware, and a smaller area for ventilation within the coop. All in all, you may expect to construct the coop in only a day - a larger coop could take longer.

If you opt for a smaller design then you'll have a lot more choice as to where to place it. You can keep small coops pretty much wherever you need, even in the smallest back yard. Sometimes you can decide you wish to change the coop's location, and smaller coops are easy to move.

If you really want to keep chickens but do not have much room then a smaller chicken coop size is the best choice for you. They will also save you a lot of time. It's easier to get into smaller coops to feed your chickens, and small coops are also easier to keep and repair.

Are Smaller Chicken Coops As Good As Larger Ones?

If you wish to look after in excess of four chickens then you definitely're gonna need a larger coop. You should only keep, at most, five chickens in smaller coops so that you know they have enough room to feel comfortable. If you're planning on eventually selling the eggs, then a larger coop could be the best option.

Small chicken coops are just as safe and sturdy as bigger designs, and can last just as long. They are simply scaled down versions that have many of the same features. Having a smaller chicken coop size will still protect your chickens against any predators in the area, and protect them from the weather.

by: Ralph Stacy

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