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subject: Determining Whether Solo Travel Is Right For You [print this page]

Determining Whether Solo Travel Is Right For You

An increasing trend is emerging where vacations are concerned related to solo travel. More and more, individuals are choosing to travel alone rather than with a friend or family member. Solo travel does take a different twist than traveling with someone, especially regarding the cost. Sharing accommodations can produce a cost savings and most prices assume double occupancy. If it is worth it to you have incur the additional cost to enjoy the solitude and freedom, than perhaps solo travel would fit you perfectly but before you can travel internationally, get your pass port forms filled out and submitted because you can't travel to a foreign country without a passport.

Online passport services make getting your first passport easy. Options help ensure that you are getting your passport application fast and in time for your trip.

Deciding where to go or what to do honestly depends on your personality and the type of vacation you're looking for. The purpose of your vacation can also heavily affect where you go and what you do. For example, if you are the type who just likes to relax on their vacations, or if you are the type looking for an adrenaline rush or simply just some outdoor time, be sure to plan around what you want to do. If you're looking for a little time just to pamper yourself or if you want to embark on an adventure with a pal entirely depends on you and your needs.

If you decide you are the solo travel type, you may want to consider a cruise. Cruising has enjoyed increased popularity, among solo and family travelers alike. There are, however, specific "Singles Cruises" that are put together to meet the needs and desires of travelers who seek the adventure of meeting that special someone in the midst of all that a cruise offers. Night clubs, professional entertainment, delicious food and luxurious accommodations are all part of this type of all-inclusive travel. Land tours and activities are also offered and can be a great way to meet new people.
Determining Whether Solo Travel Is Right For You

There are plenty of places that lend themselves nicely to a solo traveler. Some would recommend the Caribbean with the availability of beautiful beaches and swimming pools to relax by while you enjoy a refreshing island beverage. Many ski resorts including those located in Italy or Switzerland have planned itineraries for the solo vacationer. Skiing and hiking a mountain path can be enjoyed by yourself or, if you are into water sports, you might want to visit the Great Barrier Reef in Australia or the Egyptian Red Sea.

Deciding to travel alone certainly has its pros and cons. Much of the success of any vacation is dependant upon your personality. Some prefer a more solitary experience and enjoy the freedom of doing everything at their own pace. You may want to create your own itinerary and be free to change it at any moment and going it alone makes this much easier. Others consider themselves to be "people people" and find enjoyment in sharing experiences with someone else. You simply need to decide what you personally prefer because it's your vacation and should be planned in a way that will provide you maximum enjoyment.

by: Ben Pate..

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