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How To Learn Texas Hold Em Poker Rules

If youre new to the rules of Texas Holdem, one of the best ways to get comfortable with the game is to play it online. There are any number of websites that host live games with other players but no money is involved. Its a classic atmosphere to learn how others think, the superiority of one hand over another and how each player should act in turn. When youve reached a level of confidence and are ready to put your own money to the test, you can move into the pay games. Here again you dont have to deal with the face to face confrontation and annoyances that a live table will have. Its much easier to concentrate on your own game and to calculate with a clear mind.

If youre still too shy for that arena, why not try a video game, such as Sony Playstation Personals Texas Hold Em. The animated characters at your table chatter and tease, respond according to the level of difficulty you set on the system, and will take your chips without thinking twice. Its not a bad way to let the rules of the game become so automatic that when youre sitting in a real, live game, you wont hesitate or give away your newbie status.

As in most standard poker games, the Ace is either played high or low and the highest hand possible is a royal flush; A, K, Q, J, 10 suited. Since your odds of drawing this are one in about 650,000, you could play a lifetime and never see it. Want to prove it to yourself? Play deal a table of players and keep track how many hands it takes before you see one. But then again, you could just use that time to play in a real game and have some fun while youre doing it.

Of course, the big bad rule of Texas Hold Em is not to cheat. This isnt the classic gunslinger version of having an ace stuff up your sleeve, or the more modern way of trying to see your opponents cards in the reflection of their glasses. It can be as simple as nicking a card with your fingernail, or stealing a sidelong glance as your neighbor turns up the corner of his cards. Even knowing just one card at the table can significantly affect the odds, naturally in your favor. But its the fastest way to be shown the door and if the game is with friends or family, thats a particularly embarrassing situation; you will never be likely to be invited back.

How many rules can you list for Texas Hold Em Poker?

by: J.P. Jones

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