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subject: Why Having an Online Wishlist or Gift Registry is Great for Business [print this page]

Why Having an Online Wishlist or Gift Registry is Great for Business

Having an online store wishlist and online store gift registry is only the beginning. To really turn it into a profitable tool, you have to think of creative ways to get more visitors to use it. By helping your customers fully utilize these handy options, you help yourself by beating out your competitors. As an example, depending on what kind of products you sell, your store gift registry will only be able to appeal to a certain group of people. Research where they will typically go online to get what they are looking for. Participate in forums, create relationships with bloggers and join social media groups that you think this kind of shopper might belong to. An effective way to market your online store wishlist option is to teach your visitors all of the cool things they can do with it, such as adding it to their Facebook, adding it to events on sites like Evite or get them to post it on Websites like Elfster during the holidays.

Why Having an Online Wishlist or Gift Registry is Great for Business

By: elogichick

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