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Watch The Bad Lieutenant: Port Of Call New Orleans (2009) Online

I've seen a lot of police action movies, and there are others that I find kind of boring. It's not because of the action scenes because one good movie I can tell you is "S.W.A.T". I like the scenes because they are more on strategy and not just shoot at the enemies. The only part that I don't like is the part that the good guys are actually kind of perfect. I mean they are not corrupt or anything. And that is a good thing, don't get me wrong. It is a reality that there are still some good cops in this world. But I want to see a movie that shows the negative side of the hero. Just like "Watchmen", only it is a sci-fi movie.

But then I found this new movie starring "Nicolas Cage" and "Eva Mendes" entitled "The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans". When I first heard of the title, I judged it being a corny movie. I thought it was just like a typical action movie that has a bad story and scenes that will make you say, "That is impossible." But the moment I saw the poster and saw it was Nicolas Cage in that movie, it changed everything. I think that is the good thing of being a famous celebrity. However, you still need to find out if the movie is good or not even though big celebrities are in the cast.

The movie is actually a remake of the 1992 film Bad Lieutenant, which featured a crooked cop starring Harvey Keitel who is a drug addict and takes sexual favors as bribes according to "Wikipedia". The moment I read that, I knew it right away that this is the typical type of police action movie I was looking for. So I immediately searched that movie to "Free Movie" and downloaded it for free. It is a story about a Police sergeant from New Orleans who starts out as a good cop. But after an accident that happened to him during Hurricane Katrina, he later becomes addicted to prescription pain medication that made him struggle with addictions and finds himself involved with drug dealer Big Fate, who is suspected of murdering a family of African immigrants.

All in all, it is a simply but good movie since for me, it's a different kind of police action movie. It shows the bad side of a human being and in this movie, a cop who used to be a good one. I'm not sure though if this will be a big hit in the US considering that Nicolas Cage is in the movie and the main character. Another reason why you guys should watch this movie is the fact that the role of Eva Mendes is a prostitute. With that kind of body, I'm pretty sure you want to see what she looks like in this movie

by: JM28

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