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Market Your Business Using Freelance Writers

Freelancer writers are often hired for a business when owners or professionals believe they do not have time to write, they absolutely hate to write, or they believe they are lousy writers. All of these reasons are adequate.Problems arise when the business owner then decides that since he is the expert, he can hire just about anyone to write the content because he knows what needs to be communicated to the customer.

Keep in mind, however, that marketing online changes all the time. Google is constantly refining its algorithms and now concentrates on high quality content. Churning out generic articles from cheap freelance writers or buying content from writing mills hardly works anymore. Besides, your clients will lose their respect for you if they read an article on your website or in your office that is not well written and does not have good content. What may be worse is that visitors to your website will not stay and browse very long when the content is not good.

Sometimes a business owner looks for an easy deal and gets hooked into spending a few dollars from a web site that promises good content. He may already have committed a large chunk of his advertising budgeted for experienced web designers and to marketing consultants and now figures he can save a bit by hiring a freelance web copywriter whose fee is very small. This is really being short sited because more than ever, content is king and you do not want to cut corners on good content.

Some freelance writers are good, some mediocre, and some not very good. Or you may have liked their writing on one topic but found their writing is not very good on another topic. To avoid mistakes like this, know the area of expertise and what kind of publications hire the freelance writer so that your request, if not exactly on the same target, is at least in line with what the freelance writer already knows before you hire her. For instance if the freelance writes about the jewelry business don't expect her to write a great article on wind energy without spending a lot of time and your money researching the topic.

As you know if you have been in business or had your practice open for some time, first impressions count! A good marketing strategy will get you the traffic you need. For instance, a good article or blog post includes a strong first paragraph that will get you good search engine marks. Good freelance writers know what web tools to use and to focus on so that you have even better research results.

Your clients, your customers and prospects simply will not tolerate any scams, and for sure they do not want to view any hard hype on line. On the other hand, why not have excellent content so that potential clients will take a second look at what you have to offer. This is the way the cost of your web designer and marketing firm get translated into sales and services.

Your next step is to know what content will attract your clients. My solution: ASK your clients. Let them tell you what problems they would like you to solve for them. Then you can focus your content on solving those problems and your intended market following you

by: Ruthan Brodsky

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