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The Best Phoenix Tour Destinations

Queen Creek and Coolidge are located 129 miles from Arizona. The route to Queen Creek and Coolidge passes through a desert, but there are many mountain views. The town of Coolidge is home to Casa Grande Ruins. The Guadalupe is 127 miles from Phoenix and it is a Hispanic and a Yaqui Native American community. You should consider visiting it because it has maintained a strong culture and ethnic identity - you will feel like you are in another country. The Gila Bend is located 179 miles from Arizona and one of the attractions is the landscape on the route. It is mostly scenic desert with a backdrop of several mountains. The road is in a good condition and it is mainly straight. You should consider a stop at the Hohokam Indian Village. Other ideal locations for a road trip are the Pavilion Shopping Center in Scottsdale, the Strawberry, which is a small town 234 miles from Phoenix, and city of Sedona, just two miles away from Phoenix.

The Best Phoenix Tour Destinations

By: Veronica Scott

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