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subject: Do You Need Sales Skills To Build Your Online Home Business? [print this page]

Do You Need Sales Skills To Build Your Online Home Business?

What do you think about when you think about selling something? Is it a good image? Do you picture yourself giving the information someone needs to make a decision on buying the right product or do you think stereotypical skuzzy used car sales tactics?

Truth be told, you'll see both online. There's the site that gives great information and makes you really want to buy, and it's the right purchase in the end. Then there's the site that hypes things up so much that you just have to buy from them but it turns out to be a really bad decision.

Which site would you rather be? Which kind of business would you rather be?

Hopefully, you'd rather be a trusted resource. I've met people who had no problems scamming others, and I have no respect for that sort. I don't care if you've been scammed. That doesn't give you the right to scam others.

Being a Good Online Salesperson

It's not easy being a good salesperson online. People can't look you in the eye. You have to anticipate what people need to hear from you.

It's not like being a good salesperson in a store. You can't pick up an item and talk about it or let the customer examine it themselves.

You don't want to sell like a salesperson. You want to sell as a friendly authority on your niche.

I know that hype works online. You can see hyped up sales letters all over the internet. But it's not the only thing that works, and it repels a lot of people even as it attracts others.

Choose the right niche and you won't need hype. You can provide solid information about whatever it is you're offering, and people will appreciate it when they find your site.

If the product is exciting, it's fine to show your excitement about it. Just keep it honest.

Don't be afraid to point out problems with the product. We all know that nothing is perfect. The little negatives that even a quality product has is something you can point out in a review or sales pitch. That just tells your visitors that you're being honest.

If you're selling a physical product, pictures are a good idea as well. People like to see what they're shopping for.

If you really like what you're trying to sell, it's not going to feel like sales. It will feel like telling your friends why you love the product. That's still sales, but it's a type that most people are comfortable with.

by: Stephanie Foster

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