subject: Starting Home Business 10 Starting Steps To Success [print this page] Starting home business is a very good idea but it is not a very simple task. Before starting a home based business one should make a proper planning. Management gurus say that 90% of a work is completed if a proper planning is done. The rest 10% work is execution of the plan. Thus, we can infer that making a proper planning is a very important thing.
There are many aspects that are needed to be addressed at the time of making a proper plan. Some of the most important ones are given below:
1.It is very important to assess one's strength and weaknesses. A quick SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis will help an entrepreneur in starting home business smoothly.
2.Now, decide upon the product / service that you are willing to offer.
3.After selecting the product or service, your first job will be to assess the market demand of the same. Know your competitors along with the market. Thus, a quick but intense market survey and analysis is required.
4.Before starting home business, inquire yourself whether you are able to do the selected work. This assessment is very important. If you do not like a work and forcefully do it then after a certain time period that work will seem strenuous to you. Let me make a point crystal clear If you don't like a work then don't select it as your home business.
5.Prepare a thorough list of the works that are needed to be done, before starting a home based business.
6.There are many legal issues associated with a business. If you want to start a legitimate home based business then go through all the legal issues and know the ways to eliminate the legal barriers.
7.One of the very important aspects of starting home business is the insurance. If you don't have insurance for your business then you might get into trouble later. Thus, inquire about the various insurances associated with a small business.
8.Now, it is the time to know the costs required to start your own home business. There are generally two types of costs: Initial cost and Variable cost. An initial amount of money is required to launch a home business. This start-up monetary amount varies from business to business and thus you should check the total amount of money required for starting your genre of small business. Now, after starting a business, there are some additional costs that are required on a regular basis to run the business smoothly. You should also check upon this costing aspect too.
9.The point that I am now going to make is a vital one. One starts a business to churn money out of it. Thus, making profit out of a business is one of the main aims of an entrepreneur. However, the entrepreneur should also know the break even point of a business, otherwise he / she will go on making loss and ultimately the business will not be viable. You should also explore the various funding options available to you to finance your venture. Any enterprise requires regular cash flow for smooth functioning. Hence, maintenance of smooth cash flow should be one of your main concerns.
10.Is you family able to support you in starting home business? Gauge all the possibilities.
by: Damesh Neel
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