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subject: Go To Recruitment Agencies For Good Business-to-business Sales Staff [print this page]

Go To Recruitment Agencies For Good Business-to-business Sales Staff

Conducting a job interview requires certain skills that few business owners have. Most owners when looking for sales staff will invariably go with gut intuition with some consideration being given to how a prospective sales staff person presents.

Unless you have interview skills it will be time-consuming and very difficult for you to get good sales staff on board, particularly those suited to business-to-business sales positions. You will save time and costs (booth in the short and long term) if you retain the services of a recruitment agency that can properly assess candidates and also provide sales training to them. Assessing a candidate properly entails running proven tests which will highlight the attributes of a candidate.

While the candidate may have sales experience unless their characteristics and personality correlate with those that are found in successful sales staff then the chances of them driving higher profits is remote. Good sales staff must have the attributes for sales - they must be self-motivated, goal orientated and confident. Without these basic characteristics it will be difficult for sales staff to have a sustained career in the sales field. By retaining the services of a sales recruitment agency that provides an assessment service you will have a much better chance of employing good sales staff.

While a level of sales experience is always good to have in prospective sales staff, business-to-business sales skills can be learned and improved upon. Again it is difficult for a business owner to determine the level of sales skills in a job interview scenario. A recruitment agency however can quickly identify sales skill levels.

If it is determined that a prospect may have the characteristics but not the skills for sales then a select number of recruitment agencies will also offer sales training to candidates before they join your company as sales staff.

This training can be conducted for beginners and also those who have worked in the area of sales for many years. In either situation the sales training will provide prospective sales staff with the tools and dales techniques that will help them be successful in their new role.

If you do decide to utilise the services of a recruitment agency when seeking sales staff check to see that they do offer the assessment tests process as well as a report on the outcome of those tests and also sales training opportunities. Ideally they will also offer follow-up training for your new business-to-business sales staff because this helps them to continue to perform well and remain motivated about their work and reaching their sales targets.

Research indicates that you will save time and money and improve your profitability when sales staff is recruited through professional sales employment agencies.

by: Tim Williams

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