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Outsourcers Plans Strategies to Maintain Business Growth

The outsourcing industry will feel the result of the economic crisis in the next two years, based from the observation and study of Frost & Sullivan in it's Contact Center Outsourcing Trends in the Asia Pacific Market. With this reason, outsourcers must have plans of business strategies to maintain their business growth in times of global economic predicament. The estimated proceeds of The Asia Pacific contact center in 2009 was US$13.7 Billion. Most of the profits came from the markets of Philippines, India, Malaysia and China, which contributes more than 54% of the total market revenues. Although outsourcers in countries like Philippines, Malaysia and China have achieved momentous grip for off shoring, the multi-dialect workforce they have employed lack the highly technical agents and supervisors, based on the report of Frost & Sullivan. American Corporations consistently preferred the Philippine outsourcing firms in establishing BPO industry over the years. Factors that contribute to this are the high volume of agents that speak Americanized English and Spanish but in fact, that most outsourcers based in the country originated from the US. In a short term the relationship with United States will harm the enlargement in the Filipino market. Nevertheless, a reliable and well-established spot like Philippines and India will attract the offshoring business to these locations that represents less risk to enterprises when compared to the newer emerging markets in Indonesia or Vietnam.

There will be few short term growth chances for outsourcers in Asia Pacific, in spite of economic downturn. Based in company report, since clients will be ready to cut costs, existing contracts are unlikely to be in risk. Outsourcers must try to research existing accounts and control current relationships to take advantage of contract value. To boom continuously in complicated times, outsourcers must soar the process value chain and increase their offerings to take in expert knowledge processes like patent and copyright related services and business intelligence and analytics.

Frost & Sullivan said that among the growth markets, India and Philippines has the better bearing in moving up the progression. Outsourcers must developed strategy to shift their focus in offering more data services to foreign clientele. Rather compete, various Indian and Philippine outsourcing communities work together to provide an entire solution to foreign clientele. The arrangement is like this, the Philippine outsourcer will be responsible for the voice services. On the contrary, the Indian counterpart will oversee data services. Larger outsourcers like Teletech, Sitel, Convergys and IBM Daksh have successfully separated the different services consequently. Over the past few years, with the aid of the respective call center associations, the local players in both countries have been working together to put up a partnership in order to have a capital on the increasing demand of BPO for a rationalized solution.

To expand, outsourcers must look for domestic markets. If will be given high degree of investment in contact center technology and infrastructure, outsourcers can potentially look at introducing hosted contact center services to focus with their active customers who have internal contact centers as well as the small and medium domestic business market opportunity, especially in India, Australia, and the Philippines. For the meantime, the reorganization and rationalization of financial organization globally will reflect the outsourcing business as enterprise that will move to merge with multi-provider and multi-sourced companies, the rule that is prevailing. The recent merging of an Indian based Aegis BPO with the Filipino outsourcer PeopleSupport was the first transaction in a series of mergers in the APAC region.

Outsourcers Plans Strategies to Maintain Business Growth

By: Ervin Kleitz Gonzales

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