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subject: Sales Recruitment Melbourne, Aiding Businesses In Their Search For Quality Staff [print this page]

Sales Recruitment Melbourne, Aiding Businesses In Their Search For Quality Staff

Searching for applicants as well as screening them for such traits can be expensive as many sales recruitment agencies do not interview prospective employees as thoroughly as this.

Some sales recruitment Melbourne agencies do however fulfill these tasks and can help increase the revenue of your business by decreasing many of the costs involved in recruitment. Sales recruitment Melbourne agencies, when looking sales staff will employ effective interview techniques that can greatly increase the quality of the personnel hired.

The basics of these techniques include assessing the candidate's attitude, personality, skills, manner and even grooming. Going into detail, an interviewer should complete a few tasks before even starting the interviews. You must think beforehand what traits and characteristics will you be looking for in a candidate and also read through some Resumes of the applicants to decide what kind of questions to be asking prospective employees.

Doing this kind of preparation will make it easier to assess the characteristics and traits of each interviewee. Other, more minor but still useful techniques are helping the candidate to relax by easing them into the interview by possibly asking some easy questions or engaging in small talk.

You will learn more about the applicant if you let them speak, so doing all the talking is not advised, so endeavour to ask them more open questions that allow for longer and possibly more revealing answers. Asking a candidate behavioural questions can also help reveal their personality and traits to the interviewer.

Questions like how they would respond to a certain situation or a role playing scenario on what they would do can aid in determining if they will "fit" into the job. When asking about a candidate's hobbies and interests, you can also use this information to assess their possible compatibility with the job, i.e. like to spend lots of time alone and secluded may not be so effective in a job where social interaction is important or perhaps an extreme sport enthusiast may be bored by repetitious routine.

Other important factors that should not be ignored when looking for sales staff are assessing whether they will fit in to your work environment, as in do they share the same values, ethics and practices and other employees. Do not ignore your 'gut feelings' and your experience when interviewing a candidate as these will help you decide if this person will fit in with current sales staff, or if they will be disruptive in some way.

Traditional sales recruitment agencies will not conduct interviews such as this and will mainly show you to candidates who have paid for the service of connecting them with their clients in the hopes of getting an interview. The better sales recruitment Melbourne agencies will use all these techniques and more when assessing possible candidates.

by: Tim Williams

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