subject: Getting Ahead By Being Financially Prepared [print this page] Getting ahead in today's economy is not easy, but with the right motivation it can be done by almost anyone. As long as you are will to follow a few simple guidelines you can live a live that you have always dreamed and be able to call you own shots. It may not happen overnight, but most things worth having do take time.
Debt elimination is your first step. If you have any amount of debt, it is going to hold you back...period. You have to get rid of it. You are throwing away money on interest payments and you at the mercy of the credit card companies. As long as you are carrying balances, what they say goes. If you cannot pay it off on your own, enlist the help of a nonprofit credit counseling service.
Think ahead so that you are prepared for the unexpected. Start an emergency fund. Even if you can only get $500 or $1,000 in this account in the beginning, it is better than not having one at all. It will be enough to pay for most care repairs and minor things that may need done to your home. It will keep you from having to use your credit cards in many instances.
It is not easy in today's society of instant gratification, but you can take the small steps that are necessary to keep you financially healthy. Begin by making more than the minimum payment on your credit cards and develop a plan that will help you get them paid off as aggressively as possible. Start putting money in a fund that will allow you to be financially prepared for emergencies. These two things will get you well on your way to being prepared financially. It is not only important to limit your debt, but the only way you are going to be able to do that is to be prepared for unexpected expenses.
by: Marjorie Salada
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