subject: What Is The Best Way To Manage Your Debt? [print this page] If you have debt how should you handle it? This is a question being asked by many people, but unfortunately many people do not know how to answer this question and it holds them back. Often people don't know exactly what to do. So, they just don't do anything. Or they know that things are bad, but they think that they will be able to recover from it without help. And the time they spend trying to dig themselves out only gets them deeper in the hole.
You have debt, the most important thing to do it to get started on a debt relief plan. Next, it is important to be realist about your situation. If you are to the point where bankruptcy is your only choice, do it and get it over with. Prolonging the inevitable is just asking for trouble. It is inevitably putting your life on hold. I am the kind of person that when faced with a dreadful task would rather get it over with as soon as possible so that I can get on with my life and more pleasant days.
Just because it is unpleasant does not mean you will be dealing it with it forever. Face the problem head on and deal with it. Enlist the help that you will need to face your situation. If you have debt, beginning by seeing a credit counseling profession is a good place to begin. They are not only familiar with how a debt management plan works, but they are knowledgeable about debt settlement and bankruptcy. They can advise you as to what solution or combination of solutions will work best for your unique scenario.
These companies are in the business of helping find debt solutions. They are nonprofit and not looking for the most effective way to make money for themselves. A traditional debt management plan will take 3 to 5 years. This plan works by consolidating your consumer debt into one account so that you only have to make one payment each month. Your interest rates are lowered to about 10% and some accounts will be lowered even more.
With the fees being eliminated and the interest rates being reduced significantly, this allows more of your payment to go to the principle amount of your balance. Your payment is also snowballed. This means that one an account is paid off the money that was going towards the payment now goes towards another account that is being paid off. You can owe a large amount and as long as you can make a 2% payment, you are looking at being debt free in about 5 years.
by: Marjorie Salada
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