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subject: Acting Is A Business - The Biggest Secret I Know [print this page]

Acting Is A Business - The Biggest Secret I Know

No mater what part of Entertainment business you're in be it Acting, Modeling, Dancing, Singing, Writing ect... you must develop superior marketing skills. The secret to success and failure is in your marketing. You can be the greatest actor, model, dancer, singer or entertainer in the world but if no one knows about you and if you don't know how to sell and position yourself you will fail. Marketing is an essential tool in your business arsenal. It is a series of strategic activities or decisions that create value in the mind of agents, casting directors, producers and any other industry professional. It is the lifeblood that runs through the veins of all successful businesses. Without it, no matter how good you are or how great your service is, you will fail.

As an performing artist you are in your own business, and as a business owner marketing must become part of your everyday life. A marketing strategy is essential and critical to your acting career and your future. A marketing strategy gives you a clear focus as to what you are striving to achieve. Without it there is no clear definition of what is special about you or your services and why industry professionals should be interested in you. Many performers do not think about marketing or positioning their services on specific benefits, they simply go spend money on head shots come up with a resume write a quick cover letter without having any knowledge of industry professionals wants and needs and hope for the best. This is the easiest and quickest way to kill and put an end to your professional career.

If you don't seriously commit investing in your marketing education you are short-changing yourself and you will never reach your full potential. As a performer and a business owner there is no better investment you can ever make than to invest in your marketing knowledge and education.

To Your Success,

Cristian Ciocan

by: Cristian Ciocan

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