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The Factors That Affect Tourism In Kenya

Tourism in Kenya is characterized by many factors. To start with, the people of Kenya are friendly and welcoming. This plays a big role in the sense that no tourist or visitor will dare come to Kenya if the local people were harsh and cruel. It's a democratic country where freedom is given to all citizens regardless of the tribe. There are 42 tribes who differ in their culture and way of life. Due to the high growth in the tourism industry, many people have adapted the western culture. The Masai tribe however have remained with their norms and taboos for years making every visitor interact with them to learn and understand their way of life.

The weather conditions are welcoming throughout the year, meaning that tourists can visit Kenya any time. The wide variety of wildlife including the big five in Kenya has also led to the growth of tourism. Most people all over the world come to Kenya mainly to see and photograph the wild animals which are hardly found in their countries. There are various game parks and game reserves where you can view the wild animals. Tourism in Kenya has brought development and job opportunities to the local people thereby improving their living standards. Big luxurious hotels, lodges and camps have been built near parks and in town where food and accommodation is offered.

Lake Nakuru is another world famous attraction site where tourists come to watch millions of flamingo birds. There are other bird species and wild animals to view as you drive around Nakuru National park. Lake Bogoria is also famous for its hot water from the hot springs inlets. The equator is another tourist attraction site. There are people who come to Kenya just to step on the equator. Tourism involves various activities such as mountain climbing, cycling, running, golf sports, swimming, horse riding, elephant and camel riding.

The white sand beaches on the coast along the Indian Ocean is another good attraction. Swimming in the hot warm water and relaxing in the hot sun is extremely enjoyable. Tour operators will organize your tour but you are also free to prepare your own tour budget depending on your requirements and interest. Tour guides, drivers and chefs are well trained to meet all your needs. There is a variety of vehicles to choose from, all with pop up roofs to allow good animal view.

The Factors That Affect Tourism In Kenya

By: Jackline Mwathe

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