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How To Take Memorable Photographs While Travelling

Here's some ideas to enhance your vacation as well as your memories of them by taking beautiful photos.

Location Preparation

1) Since you know where you're going (assuming that you knew it), doesn't it make sense to check out the location before you get there? Create a list of attractions, accommodations, special points of interest, amusement areas, shopping, etc. The best way is to google it or check out the destination in flickr or picassa. You will get a feel about which are the best photogenic places.

2) Figure out the photo opportunities for each appropriate venue. What about capturing a "WOW" photo that could be hung over the mantle? Check out in internet, the best photogenic places in and around your destination. Check for different combinations of your destination, best photography locations, for images of the location, scenic spots, etc. The options are endless.
How To Take Memorable Photographs While Travelling

3) If you're off to a non-big city area, scout out the national parks in the area. The great thing about national parks is that the scenery is usually so breathtaking, that a so-so shot looks outstanding, just because of the subject. Also you will get a lot of space to experiment your photography skills by taking photos of your loved ones along with serene beautiful nature.

4) Sometimes the journey to a travel destination offers you a lot of photographic opportunities. The hairpin curves, the picturistic hilly areas, the highway side lonely restaurant, the birds-eye view of valleys or distant mountain river or waterfalls etc .Always look out for those rare pics. The photographer inside you should always be alert.

Photography Preparation

OK,so now you're either traveling through or you're at a wonderful location full of photo opportunities.

You began this leg of your trip at the crack of dawn and as you're pulling into the most scenic overlook for say 100 kms, the sun is just starting to crack the horizon. You instinctively pull the car over, grab your camera and try to your tripod, and look for the best spot to set up. Just one tiny little problem. YOU FORGOT YOUR TRIPOD! Rather than smack yourself on the forehead then, why not plan these things now, before you leave?

1) First and foremost, don't forget the basics like batteries, battery charger, camera bag, and additional lenses and filters (if applicable on your camera).These are the basic necessities and one set of spares for these should always be in your travel bag so that in hurry-burry of your preparation, even if you forget to take these, you should have a back up.

2) Memory. Of course, bring all the memory you have, but also pack your portable storage device.

3) If your camera has a hot shoe, bring your external flash, and any additional equipment that can be used to help with bounce flash
How To Take Memorable Photographs While Travelling

4) Don't forget to take your Tripod? It doesn't take up much room, and also tripods allow you to capture entirely new categories of photographs that won't be possible without one.

5) And just in case you need it, bring the manuals for your equipment.

Finally, don't get so wrapped up in taking perfect shots that you don't enjoy the trip. Remember to use the tripod so that you'll be in at least some of the photos. In fact, Photos always comes secondary to the enjoyment you get on experiencing every second o the trip. So don't ever forget to enjoy the moments of your tour

by: ashlee robinson

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