subject: End Your Stressful Day And Increase Well Being By Way Of A Fun, Relaxing Reflexology Massage [print this page] Bodywork aimed at the hands and feet is known as reflexology massage therapy. This type of massage, originally known as "zone" therapy, is aimed at various regions of the feet and hands to send direct signals to the brain, helping to balance your nervous system. During reflexology massage therapy, the therapist will stretch and rotate the hands and feet with the appropriate amount of force at just the spot to address health issues throughout your body. When done correctly, reflexology massage releases endorphins known to return the body to the proper balance and reduces stress.
The credibility of reflexology massage therapy is based on the principal that certain reflex points located throughout your hands and feet are directly linked to other parts of your body, including glands and organs. Studies have shown that:
The body is divided into 10 zonesfive on each side of the body;
Each organ - or part of the body - is linked to areas on the hands and feet;
A trained reflexology massage therapist can diagnose abnormalities in various parts of the body by feeling the hands or feet;
Massaging or pressing each area through reflexology massage stimulates the flow of energy, blood, nutrients, and nerve impulses to the corresponding body zone to relieve ailments in that zone.
Reflexology has been gaining in popularity over the past number of years due to its relaxing tendencies and the absence of pain during the procedure. (If you do experience pain during a reflexology massage, be sure to tell your therapist immediately, as this is not considered to be normal.) A recent study concluded that one-third of cancer patients report using reflexology to complement their treatment. (It should be noted however, that in most cases, reflexology should be used as a complementary treatment and is not meant to replace other medical treatments.) Reflexology massage is frequently used for post-operative or palliative care as well.
What medical conditions can be relieved through reflexology massage therapy? Some are listed below.
Stress-related symptoms
Headaches resulting from too much tension
Various stages of arthritis
Injuries resulting from participation in sports
Hormone level imbalance
Digestive system problems such as constipation
Poor sleep habits
Neck and back pain
Menstrual symptoms such as PMS
A reflexology massage therapy session usually lasts about 45 to 60 minutes and begins after your therapist reviews your general health and discusses your goals for improvement. The reflexology massage therapy requires that you remove your shoes and socks (other than that, you remain clothed) and lie in a reclining chair or on a massage table. This is another reason for its popularity; you can get the benefits of a full body massage without having to disrobe.
During reflexology massage therapy, your therapist will invigorate targeted regions of your hands and feet to identify and isolate areas that need extra attention. Once that has been accomplished, the massage process can begin because the therapist knows exactly where to apply the pressure and how much is needed.
So while the actual reflexology massage therapy is administered directly to your hands and feet, your entire body reaps the benefits.
by: Heidi Gleason
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