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Australia Tourism Goes Techie

According to the fact that the Oz Planner app uses mapping technology to give users direct access to tourism product listings like tour providers, accommodation and car hire. Users of the Oz Planner app will have access to more than 20,000 tourism products and services throughout Australia.

In the world today that we are living in fast pace that almost everywhere theres the newest and latest inventions that human kinds avail no matter what. This technology has now invaded even Australian tourism, in which according to the news is now embracing mobile technology to assist travellers in planning an amazing Australian journey, with the launch of its first iPhone application (app) the Oz Planner - the mobile extension of the Walkabout Planner. The latest Oz Planner iPhone app is said to help and assist the mapping, with the help in this technology the users can easily find the directions and will give access to tourism product listings like tour providers, accommodation, car hire and event listings. Every tourist who is using the OzPlanner iPhone app to chart their trip can right of entry 16 recommended Australian journeys and whichever navigates all the way through the journeys to distinguish highlights, images and recommended activities, or investigate a range of destinations and experiences and get implications for their trip.

Tourism Australia Managing Director, Andrew McEvoy said that the Oz Planner iPhone app was designed to create a portable, engaging, motivational experience about travelling in Australia. Mobile platforms are a great opportunity for Tourism Australia to extend its presence beyond traditional advertising and marketing to showcase the countrys diverse tourism experiences.

This will help a lot of tourist that land in Australia with the help of this application. With this they can easily and probably will never get lost since Australia is way bigger to roam around.

by: Hector Deleon

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