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subject: End Your Stressful Day And Free Your Mind With A Fun, Relaxing Foot Massage [print this page]

End Your Stressful Day And Free Your Mind With A Fun, Relaxing Foot Massage

Below is a brief summary of the various parts of a person's foot and how an expert foot massage can help.

Pressure to your 4th toe - via a foot massage - can actually detect heart problems that might require more treatment.

By stimulating your bronchial system, targeting your 2nd toe improves your breathing.

Need relief from headaches? A foot massage that addresses the nerves between your 1st and 2nd toes can minimize the effects of chronic headaches or even prevent them.

The area located between your 3rd and 4th toes can benefit from a foot massage to eliminate eye stress and even improve your vision.

The mere stretching and pulling of your big toe will relieve conditions related to sinus problems.

Problems with your excretory system? Rotary pressure on the ball of your foot during a foot massage can relieve the symptoms you are experiencing.

By targeting the front of the heel with rotary pressure, a foot massage can relieve any problems associated with your genital glands.

Pressure on the instep of the foot can improve your posture and ease any spinal pain you may be experiencing.

For most of us, our feet take the brunt of the wear and tear on our bodies on any given day. That's just one of the reasons why caring for them properly is so important. A foot massage by a trained massage therapist can address health conditions in a way most probably don't know. Following is an overview of just a few.

Need relief from the common effects of menopause such as hot flashes? A foot massage can lower stress, thereby reducing hormonal reactions.

Chronic pain in your feet and legs? A foot massage relaxes the muscles in your body completely and eliminates the pain.

Having trouble dealing with post-surgery pain? A foot massage can make the pain more tolerable by relaxing the affected areas.

High blood pressure? A foot massage can lower your blood pressure and make your heart healthier.

Are you or someone you know battling cancer? Foot massage therapy can battle the effects of cancer treatment such as stress, fatigue and nausea.

If nothing else, a foot massage will help melt away the day's stress, but consider all the other benefits associated with them when devising your ongoing plan for a healthy body.

by: Scott Rodriguez

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