subject: Melt Away Your Stressful Day But Also Promote Healing By Means Of A Relaxing Swedish Massage [print this page] When most people think of massage, they think of Swedish massage therapy, making it one of the most common and popular forms of bodywork available today. The technique of Swedish massage therapy is comprised of long, gliding strokes performed in the direction of blood returning to the heart. Other attributes of Swedish massage therapy include firm kneading, tapping, bending and circular pressure applied by the hands and palms of the massage therapist.
One of the leading reasons that Swedish massage therapy is requested more than any other technique is that is has established a solid reputation for being a very effective and pleasurable treatment for relief from the discomfort of many medical conditions. Doctors are even touting its success in the treatment of some health issues as well - or better than - traditional methods.
The main difference of the Swedish massage therapy over its traditional predecessor is the firmer delivery of the pressure that is used to relax the muscles and relieve tension. In addition to being firmer, the strokes used in Swedish massage therapy at the same time need to be gentle and targeted. Many therapists like to use oil or lotion to stimulate the skin and reduce uncomfortable friction.
The main goal of Swedish massage therapy is to relax the entire body and provided that it is performed correctly (by a trained professional), it will:
Escalate the amount of oxygen in the blood;
Eliminate toxins that could prove to be harmful;
Increase circulation and enhance flexibility;
Provide relief from stress and its related symptoms.
Unlike drug therapy, which often results in long-term side effects, Swedish massage therapy is safe and effective in:
Relaxes tight muscles;
Relieves pain from cramping and spasms in the muscles;
Increases mobility;
Improves skin tone;
Strengthens the muscles;
Reduces rehabilitation time for illness or injury;
Eliminates waste that can harm the body;
Relieves pain from carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis and headache/joint pain.
Those are just some of the healing benefits for the body ... but Swedish massage therapy is also known to enhance our mind as well by providing:
Improving your overall sense of well-being;
Enhancing your sleep habits;
Relieving depression, stress, irritation and anxiety;
Increasing your ability to concentrate.
Because studies have revealed that Swedish massage therapy can decrease blood pressure, calm the body and reduce the effects of stress and depression, the procedure is rapidly gaining acceptance from the medical community as a complementary treatment - not a replacement treatment. Many doctors are prescribing Swedish massage therapy as treatment for facial pain, arthritis, headache pain, and asthma to name a few.
Those who have had surgery or suffered an illness have found the Swedish massage therapy to be very effective in shortening their recovery period. This is why many athletes use Swedish massage as treatment when they have overextended their muscles and joints: to rid their bodies of toxic wastes, known to slow the rehabilitation process. In addition, Swedish massage therapy has been proven to keep ligaments and tendons pliable, increase circulation and invigorate the nervous and skin systems, making it a perfect solution for management of tension and stress.
by: Heidi Gleason
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