subject: Payday Loans Rescue Everyday People From Disaster. [print this page] Jennifer had never really had to worry about money problems before. Since leaving college she had a successful career which more than provided for her modest lifestyle. Then the unthinkable happened she became the victim of identity theft.
"Someone had accessed my credit card accounts and charged up online purchases in the thousands." The young financial advisor recalls.
Normally this would not have meant an immediate emergency but Jennifer had just drained her savings to make down payment on a new car, her first ever big purchase.
"I was counting on a credit card advance to make the difference, using it to cover my rent payment before my paycheck came. But it was December, and my next paycheck wasn't coming until the second week of January. The credit companies froze all my cards and the only money I had was what was in my purse!"
Jennifer found herself with money barely enough for a weeks groceries. She tried to stretch her resources by skipping breakfast, and her ever important cup of coffee.
"That was the hardest part," Jennifer concedes with a smile. "Though after even the first few days it took a toll on me. I was grumpy and snappy at the office and even my coworkers could tell something was wrong."
It wasn't just the grumbling stomach and lack of caffeine that was making Jennifer upset, she was worried about paying her monthly bills. But she couldn't confess that to her colleagues.
"Even though it wasn't my fault it was still embarrassing, I mean here I am, a financial advisor and I was struggling to pay my household bills. I know how important it is to have a unblemished payment record. I even thought about taking the car back to see if I could renegotiate my down payment so I could have the cash I needed."
It was on that drive back to the auto dealership that Jennifer found the solution to her temporary cash flow problem. As she waited at a red light she found herself looking at a professional storefront office she had driven by 100 times before but never really taken notice of. The sign on the window said Pay Day Loans, and Jennifer found herself parking the car.
"I wasn't even serious about the idea, but I was at the end of my rope at that point. I figured I'd just check it out, as a last resort if the car dealership wouldn't help me."
Jennifer was unprepared for the professional nature of the office she entered.
"I'd always thought of pay day advance businesses as...well I don't know what I thought, really all I do know is when I walked in there I was struck by how much it reminded me of my office. I was instantly impressed."
Jennifer was also pleasantly surprised to find her problems could be solved quickly and with a minimum amount of paperwork. Her lender was friendly and understanding.
"It wasn't like a bank loan. Where you have to prove collateral, payment schedules all that red tape, It was borrowing against a paycheck I knew was coming so it was a simple, professional process. I went from a panic of not knowing how I'd make it through the week to the total relief of having enough money to pay all my bills and a safety blanket for emergencies in a matter of minutes! I was shocked at how easy it was."
Even though her identity theft issues have since been cleared up by the credit card companies Jennifer is still appreciative of the helpful nature of her local pay day lender. She credits the pay day loan office in her city with saving her credit rating.
"Would I do it again? You betcha. Having my bills payed on time means a lot to me and it means even more to my creditors." Jennifer can't help but smile as she continues, "Payday Loans also probably saved my life - I got my daily coffee back!
by: Michiel Van Kets
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