subject: 7 Ways To Shop Debt Free: How Online Coupons And Other Tips Can Help Save Money [print this page] It is obvious that people generally want to save as much money as possible, wherever they can. In today's challenging economic times, this drive to save is even more pronounced. While many Americans in the past have relied on credit cards to purchase things that they want and need, this pattern of spending beyond one's means is a part of why the economy is what it is today. It is important for people to try and live as debt free as possible. Credit card companies get rich off of their high interest rates and our inability to pay off a balance on time or at all. One of the best ways that people can get themselves back on their feet financially is to buy things with debit or cash and not sink further into debt.
Shopping debt free is made easier by relying on online coupons to save money. With so many websites offering online coupons these days, it seems silly to pay full price for anything. Finding these online coupons, as well as paying with money from your own bank account and learning how to reduce impulse purchases, can help you get on your way to shopping debt free.
Use Online Coupons
Finding and using online coupons is a great way to begin to live debt free and one of the simplest actions you can take to save money shopping. There are many websites that offer online coupons to savvy shoppers who know where to look for them. These coupons are good at hundreds of internet retailers, including big name department stores, internet superstores and specialty stores. If you know a specific product you would like to buy, do an internet search for that product + coupon and see what turns up. Also, if you know what store you would like to do business with, look for online coupons specific to that store. More often than you would think, you will find at least something that will save a few dollars.
Websites Where You Pay With Cash
Why pay with a credit card when you don't have to? There are new, innovative websites that send you an electronic bill and then let you pay with money from your bank account. Doing business with these websites means that you either print out the bill and then pay at a walk-in location, or send the bill directly to your online banking account where you can pay it like any other bill. This payment method is great because shoppers can pay with funds already in their account. People can check their account balance and confirm that they have enough money to cover purchases. This way, shoppers are not relying on credit to make everyday buys and can stop getting themselves deeper in debt when shopping.
Guarantees And Rewards
Look to do business with websites that not only offer online coupons, but that also have certain guarantees and rewards programs. One of the guarantees you should look for is a best price guarantee. While many internet retailers have this guarantee, some do not, so choose your retailers carefully. This guarantee simply states that if you purchase an item and then see that same item listed at a lower price within a certain amount of time, the website will refund the difference. Another guarantee, a satisfaction guarantee, is pretty self-explanatory. Simply put, if you are not satisfied with the purchase, you should get a refund or be able to exchange the product for another one. Websites also offer rewards programs where you may get 1% cash back on every purchase. These are great incentives for shoppers to make many purchases at one business.
Reduce Impulse Buys
Many people end up spending a lot of money on impulse buys. Most of these purchases are on items that shoppers don't really need. A good rule of thumb when shopping is if you find something that you really want, consider if you really need it. If you know deep down that it is not an essential purchase, wait 24 hours or even up to a week before actually buying it. You may find that, after a period of time, you will realize that it was more of a "want" item rather than a "need." For large purchases, watch out for deals that involve very low monthly payments. These deals often mean that you will be paying for several years. In the event of car payments, you may even end up paying for longer than the car will run.
By using online coupons, paying cash and not credit, looking for websites that not only offer online coupons but also guarantees and rewards, and cutting down on impulse purchases, shoppers can begin to shop and live debt free.
7 Ways To Shop Debt Free: How Online Coupons And Other Tips Can Help Save Money
By: articlescharmen
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