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subject: The Real Cause Of Female Balding [print this page]

Hair loss ever since has been one of the main issues in men and women. Many in mens population fell as victim of this condition called alopecia. But in todays society, female balding has becoming more and more prevalent. We could say that not only men are the main target of this kind of condition nowadays. Female balding could cause devastating effects on a womans emotional and physical conditions. But what could really be the cause of female balding? We know that male balding is usually caused by the over production of testosterone in man, which women do not have. So what is it with women and balding?

There really are many factors that causes female balding. Just like the nature of females to be out of control, elements like, hormonal fluctuations, stress and anxiety and genetic tendency for female balding tends to go along that path. Female balding could also be a menopause symptom that is caused by a huge droop in estrogen and an increase in hormones such as androgens or male hormones. These hormones are not very friendly with female hair. Hormones play a big role in female balding. Hormonal flux could usually occur on post pregnancy and menopause period. This is influenced by stress that manifests hormonal imbalance and fluctuations which then causes hair loss.

Female balding usually is exhibited primarily on the top and at the sides of womens head while in men, it usually appears at the forefront of the fore head. There are natural remedies specifically geared for the womens body. It is not appropriate to treat female balding the same way as men because they have biological differences. An oral remedy could easily give satisfying results for female balding. It is because the best way to provide essential nutrients is to the bloodstream. An effective woman's hair loss supplement should be taken orally and absorbed quickly, to promote new, healthy hair growth.

Female balding is much easier to treat than mens. There is an abundant amount of hair loss supplements out in the market today. The web also caters different remedies for this condition. The natural supplements are the most popular, effective and safe these days. Try to face this condition as soon as possible. It is not an easy task to be facing such condition especially as a woman, but the fact is you have to, before its too late!

by: jennycalonia

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