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subject: Big Businesses Recession Proof? [print this page]

Big Businesses Recession Proof?

Author: Julianne Rowat
Author: Julianne Rowat

Big Businesses Recession Proof? Still Looking For Work? With millions of people still being laid off and hurt bad by the

recession, the big businesses are still holding strong. If you hold a

job in these companies, your job is safe! Microsoft, Macys and Caterpillar have held their own. Each one of them

are now in a position to not only keep all their employees, but

possibly higher new ones. Some of them still have large amounts of

cash on their balance sheets that have kept themselves out of the

recession altogether. Another big company, Cisco, has more cash on had than almost all other

tech companies in the U.S.. They are planning a big expansion into the

server and data center business. They are in several different

businesses that will soon require hiring extra people. Apple is also one on the recession proof list. Its success has been

created with making new products, improving old ones and with very

aggressive marketing. They plan on continuing to keep all their

employees and possibly hiring more. Apple is planning on not letting

anything get in its way of expanding, including the recession. No matter how bad the economy is, if people smoke cigarettes , they

will continue to find a way. This is how the company Altria has

withstood the recession. In fact they just bought out another tobacco

company. Colgate is another one on the list. People still need certain things

in life. They continue to buy tooth paste, shampoo, and pet food,

which keeps Colgate going strong. And last but not least, businesses are beating the recession are some

home based businesses. People that have been laid off or have used up

the biggest portion of their retirement or 401K have started working

from home. Working from home is exactly what I have done. My company has more

than made it through the recession, they also continue to make money.

If you think about it, even though people are broke they still need

certain things, like shampoo and if your addicted, cigarettes. That is

only one of the reasons these big companies are not being hurt by the

recession. The other reason is how they handle their money and the way they

market their business. In my business we market on the world wide web.

There are thousands of other countries out there that still have money

and are not in recession. Our company is now in over 100 countries and

translates in over 42 different languages. We specialize in teaching

you how to market any product you want. We also have products, if

that is what you choose. So not only are some of the big business recession proof, so are some

of the companies that work from home.

About the Author:

Julianne Rowat, the author, is an internet marketing entrepreneur. She has wrote other articles, press releases and has videos on motivation, self improvement, and FAQ about having an internet marketing business. Her husband is a retired fire fighter/ paramedic. They have 4 children and 6 grandchildren. They travel all around the United States in their motor home while working their internet marketing business. Their mission is to help others all over the world succeed in their own internet marketing business. You can read more about them in their blog at: or check out their business at Her and her husband also have another business that will save you fuel mileage and help purify our air quality. Go green at

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