subject: The Easy And Best Way To Get Pregnant [print this page] Trying for a baby it can be a very stressful time, you will want the quickest, safest and best way to get pregnant.
There are many things that you can do to help with getting pregnant which are natural and easy to do. Some people get far too stressed and this can affect your chances of conceiving, simply relax and enjoy the moment.
1). You need to be as healthy as possible when trying to get pregnant you and your partner should stop smoking and drinking alcohol, follow a healthy diet and exercise plan. Ensure that you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables especially ones that are high in antioxidants.
2). Avoiding soya has also shown to help when trying to conceive as it can unbalance your hormones. You should also drink lots of water, to flish through toxins from your body. Making sure that you and your partner are fit and well can really increase your chances of conceiving.
3). Having intercourse often is very important, but you need to be as calm as possible. Ovulation kits can help but some people find that planning to have sex on a certain day can sometimes cause tension. Also, ensure you have intercourse each day, at the right time in your cycle. This is still the best way to gety pregnant.
4). Selecting a sexual position that helps the sperm to flow freely can also help, and try to have sex in a cool room. Relaxing and enjoying the whole process is also very helpful, if you are worried all the time regarding conceiving you could be putting up a mental block.
5). Check out what medicines you and your partner are taking even the ones that you think may not be affecting you could have bad side effects. If in doubt then take them to your doctor and ask if they are affecting you conceiving, they will be able to advise you if you need to stop taking them. There are alternatives you can take and Chinese medicine and herbs have been proven to be very effective with helping to conceive.
6). Both you and your partner and benefit from these herbs and they can often increase sperm count and the chances of conceiving will rise.
So, although it is always easy for people to give you lots of advice when you are trying to conceive, these are some really simple things you can do to help yourself. The best way to get pregnant is follow a natural and holistic approach.
by: Louisa Rose
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