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subject: Employment Law [print this page]

Employment Law

The California employment handbook contains the same detailed guidelines, expectations and procedures of a business or company as any other employment handbook across the United states. In order to familiarize new employees with their new employer and their policies, employment handbook is usually given to them on one of the very first days of their job.

The content of California employment handbook varies a lot accordingly to the specific business area. In most cases, it starts with a welcome statement, description of the company's history, mission statement or a statement about particular business aims and objectives. It continues with orientation procedures such as providing human resources department with all necessary official paperwork. Next part involves the definition of different forms of employment, benefits an employee can achieve, timekeeping procedures, the total pay, the conduct and discipline policies.

The last part of California employment handbook focuses on the guidelines for employee performance reviews, policies for promotion or demotion, rules concerning the communication and driving company's vehicles for job assignments, procedures for handling on-the-job accidents and guidelines for voluntary termination of a job. Since some companies run their operations in a very competitive business area, they might require to ask their employees to sign a confidential clause in order to keep certain business information only to themselves.

by: Jack Copper

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