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subject: Facts About Low Fat Food? [print this page]

Low fat food will help you if you are in an effort to lose weight. Look out for healthy ways to burn your fat rather than resort to Bulimia (eating disorder). Some go through a psychological eating disorder known as bulimia, where in they cant stop themselves from eating and then deliberately vomit in order to avert wait gain. You need a break, do not get into such practices instead you can eat healthy and gradually lose weight.

Stop eating junk. Food items such as fried chips, cookies, ice cream, chocolates, frozen fish sticks etc should be avoided. See to it that, you consume every thing fresh. Be it fish, green vegetables and sprouted grams. As far as possible, eat food that is raw. Green leafy vegetables are good when it is eaten raw. Live enzymes are intact when your green stuff is not cooked. Even if it is cooked, do not cook it fully so that you retain the enzymes in them. These enzymes are good for digestion and also help you absorb the essential nutrients.

Fish such as cod, tuna, sardine and mackerel are good for your health. They regulate leptin which is a hormone in your body. This in turn improves the metabolism thus burning out your calories. They also contain omega 3 fatty acids which is good for your brain. This regulates your body fat and hence helps you attain the best!

Lean chicken and turkey: Low fat chicken is helpful for you. It provides you protein but take care to see to it that it is not cooked with oil. Any thing that is fried will add up more calories, avoid cooking it this way.

Spinach is an anti oxidant and helps regulate your weight. It increases your metabolic rate and thus burns calories, this way you can regulate your weight. Eat plenty of this and salads such as cucumber, beet root and carrots which will help you increase your metabolic rate.

Almonds tend to have a lot of monosaturated fat. But that is okay, because monosaturated fats are great for you, and in fact, are an excellent source of fat for your body. The bad type of fat for your body - the type of fat that you need to watch out for, is the saturated fat, of which almonds have none of that. Resort to eating low fat food and you will soon see the change!

by: Arush Keerthi

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