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subject: Add Humor With Funny Business Shirts [print this page]

Add Humor With Funny Business Shirts

You have a business and are looking for funny business shirts. Funny doesn't have to mean offensive or rude, but you can design uniform shirts that are funny. People tend to remember things that are funny and using a funny shirt can get your business remembered. There are different companies that have logos that are funny or mascots that are funny, so why not a t-shirt that is funny.

Mascots can help with identification. If you use a monkey on your shirt with a caption that says, "We Don't Monkey Around," is a funny shirt that will get noticed. Always include your business name but this can be a fun way to say that you are serious about your business. Whatever animal or animated character you use should be something you can associate with your business. An animated computer monitor with a thermometer and a caption of "Computer sick...Call Rick," for a computer repair company call Ricks Computer Repair would get notice and creates advertising, especially if the company makes house calls. You can even use the company name and tell everyone, "We do it Right the First Time."

Funny business shirts get noticed. Walking down the street in your business shirt, shopping or any activity where you can wear your shirts is free advertising. The colors of the shirts are just as important as what you put on the shirts. Most mechanics would not wear a pink shirt and white are not easy go get grease out of, so maybe a black shirt with white silk screening, stenciling, or transfers is the best choice.

Always make sure that you include the pertinent information on your shirts; the name of the company, phone numbers, addresses, and in this new technical age your company website. You want them to notice the shirt but you also want them to remember your business; remember free advertising. Not only can you have shirts made up for your employees you can also get funny business shirts made for friends and clients. Give them away as free advertising; the more people who wear the shirts, the more promotional value for your business, just make the shirts a little different. For the computer repair business you can have promotional shirts that say, "Rick fixed mine" and have your animated computer monitors with smiles instead of thermometers.

You have a business and you are looking for funny business shirts. You can design business shirts that are funny without being rude or offensive and they will get noticed. Shirts are a good way to advertise and promote your business. Shirts can be places that business cards and other places cannot go and will draw attention to your company. You can give anyone a business card and they will tuck it into a pocket or wallet but a shirt is worn for all to see. People remember funny shirts and they will remember you when they need your services. So have fun with designing a shirt and see how it works.

by: Max Johnson

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