subject: What You Need To Know About Auto Insurance For Teens [print this page] Auto insurance for teens is something that will have to be looked at when they start to drive. There are many things that will need to be understood when check insurance. One of the things that will need to be known is why insurance is need. Additionally the types of insurance available are also important.
There are many reasons for why teens need to have auto insurance. One of the main ones would be that it is required by law. Each state does have different regulations but most will need all drivers to have liability cover. Additionally if they wish to lease a car full coverage insurance is often needed.
Another reason why auto insurance for teens is a must is because statistically they are most likely to get into an accident. With these high statistics it is no wonder that young drivers are made to have insurance. Coverage for any problems that may be brought about by young drivers will then be covered by the insurance.
There are many different types of insurance available for teens. The one type would be liability cover which is one that is needed in most states. This cover will protect you from damage and personal injury if it is caused by another person. Another type of cover is comprehensive. This insurance plan will cover all types of non-collision damages.
One type of cover that many people look into is collision cover. This cover will protect you against the cost of repairing any damage to the car. Of course, if the damage to the car is more than 75% of the total value of the car the insurance company may write the car off. There are a number of parents that will simply place their teen on their insurance. This can sometimes be cheaper than getting the teen an insurance policy of their own
Auto insurance can be rather expensive when it is for teens. It is due to this that many companies will offer discounts to teens for their insurance. If a teen is able to maintain grades that are or above a B average then as much as 25% of the insurance will be discounted. High costs are also charged for what are called high risk cars. High risk cars are ones that have high repair costs and are favorites for thieves.
Auto insurance for teens is not only for their good but is also needed by law. There are many different types and discounts that you can get.
by: Lance Thorington
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