subject: Protecting Your People And Business Through Access Control [print this page] In this day and age, it is increasingly becoming more and more business critical to manage access control to your premises. Surveillance systems will record people entering and leaving but do not offer the necessary protection against unauthorised entry to your premises or specifically sensitive areas unless they are supported by further electronic control mechanisms.
Nowadays, with legal obligations to protect your people and the information contained on your computer systems, this demands heavy investment of your time and money as the loss of sensitive data can have such a negative effect on a business reputation. These threats do not necessarily have to come from outside; regrettably, it is also possible that such a threat can come from within, from your own people in other words, so access control may also be needed within your operation.
As the outsourcing of strategic elements of larger contracts becomes more commonplace amongst larger corporate entities, it is also worth remembering that they too will take an active interest in your access control mechanisms and shortfalls in such systems could actually cost you a valuable contract.
At P & Q International, we can provide you with bespoke systems designed to meet your specific needs in part, or in its entirety providing you with the level of security your potential and existing business partners will be looking for. From basic parking control to smart access control around your premises, you will be able to provide all the control you need, wherever you need it. For operational environments where there is a risk of cross contamination for example, you dont even need to have swipe cards with the hands free face recognition readers that are available.
Technology really is moving forward in leaps and bounds offering you the opportunity to protect your assets (both the tangible and intellectual), people, equipment, and of course your customers data efficiently.
by: Wilkinson Smith
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