subject: The Many Ways Of Supporting Breast Cancer [print this page] Being diagnosed with cancer will affect a person emotionally, and breast cancer is no
different. Breast cancer affects both women and men. Yes men can also get breast cancer.
Like all types of cancer if detected early can be cured. The treatment period is a very
trying one and they need not only emotional, but also financial support. Breast cancer
support can be given by friends, family, and doctors along with the community at large.
Doctors or hospitals will either have facilities to support you or can guide you in the right
direction. Hospitals can facilitate meeting where survivors of breast cancer can meet and
discuss. Religious organizations also provide support for breast cancer victims. You can
also get support from organizations within your own community. There are also several
non-profit organizations like Susan G. Komen for the Cure that provide support for
breast cancer victims.
Breast cancer donation can be made directly to organizations that support breast cancer
research including Susan G. Komen for the Cure. You can also take part in events
that donate money for breast cancer research. These events can be anything including
marathons, tennis tournaments, and golf tournaments. There are also several companies
that support breast cancer research by donating a part of their earnings to the cause. These
companies place the logo representing breast cancer on their products, so that you can
identify them. These products can be anything from expensive products like computers to
cheap products like cosmetics. However one must check out what percent of the money
the company makes selling those products is actually donated towards breast cancer
research. The reason for this is that the percentage donated varies from company to
by: jonathanjessica
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