subject: Benefits Of Online Car Insurance Quotes [print this page] The best way to go about buying automobile cover is by way of online car insurance quotes, which you can obtain from the comfort of your own home. Several portals offer a service whereby you can access estimates from several companies online simultaneously when you complete one simple form on your Internet browser. This makes the task of finding suitable cover at a good rate, more attainable.
These portals are able to obtain good rates from reliable insurers to suit your needs. Getting a number of instant estimates delivered directly to your inbox makes it easier to compare features of the policies so that you can find the best policy at the best rate. Some companies offer access to a local insurance agent who will be able to offer you advice and support.
Low cost auto policies are within everyone's reach. However, several factors affect your rate. These factors include your age and your cars age, the type of car, the overnight parking of your car and your driving history, to name a few. Traffic fines and tickets will cause your premium to increase. A negative credit score could also affect the premium. Most insurers check a potential policyholders score to assess whether they are reliable. They want to know that a person settles their debt timeously. A low score will result in higher premiums. Faster, cars that are more expensive attract higher premiums. Safe and reliable cars will result in more affordable premiums. Faster, sporty cars and those that are attractive to carjackers and thieves will be more expensive to insure.
Cheaper policies are available to older drivers, depending on the type of car they drive, their age and their driving record. Insurance quotes will be cheaper if the car has security devices fitted, such as anti-theft devices, anti-lock breaks and air bags. There are companies that target particular sectors of the market, such as teenagers, women or seniors. Discounted premiums are usually available to these targeted groups.
You may benefit from paying the annual premium upfront. Monthly premiums are more expensive to administer, so you may save by paying your premiums upfront for the year.
Getting quotes free online, will save a lot of time. You should also consider asking your existing insurer for online car insurance quotes. Having more than one policy with the same company is likely to help you get a discount when you add more cover.
by: Lance Thorington
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