subject: Installment Payday Loans- Easy Repayment Option [print this page] If you are facing certain financial problems and are looking for a short term financial assistance but are afraid about the repayment of the loan then you should apply for Installment payday loans. These are short term loans that are issued to you in a very short time span. You just need to apply through an online form and the loan process will start. These are quick loans because the formalities for these loans have been reduced. Now you are not required to go through many formalities. You are just required to fill an online form and rest will be handled by the lender.
Fewer formalities dont mean zero formalities. You are still required prove your eligibility for the loan. The borrower should be a citizen of US. He should be employed and should be drawing at least $1000 per month. He should be at least 18 years of age. There should be a checking account in his name. These are small requirements for the installment payday loans . Apart from that you are not required to go through any process. The lender will not ask you to fax any papers or to mail any other documents for the loan. You are also not required to face any credit checks for the loan.
These are short term loans issued for a period of two to four weeks. You can only avail a small amount ranging from $100 to $1500. So if you need this much of money to solve your problems then you may apply for these loans. The money will be available to you in less than 24 hours time that too in your account directly. The interest rates of these loans are a bit higher than the other loans. So it is advisable to borrow an amount you may easily repay.
by: Albert Bells
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