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subject: The 5 Tips To Sell Structured Insurance Settlement - How To Get The Top Price [print this page]

The 5 Tips To Sell Structured Insurance Settlement - How To Get The Top Price

When you plan to sell structured insurance settlement, it is important to take it seriously. You have to create a state of the mind, which creates an attitude, that you have something very valuable, which you may sell, if the price is good enough.

The usual situations, when people start to plan that they have to sell structured insurance settlement is, when they have met a sudden increase in the life expenses, like the increased medical bill, the house repair or education expenses. However, it is not wise to tell these reasons to the potential buyers.

1. The Future And Present Values.

The market will buy these programs based on the future income streams. When we know, that the money today is more valuable than the money tomorrow, the bids include the discounted present values of the settlements.

2. Collect All The Facts.

Whether you will ask quotes from some online service or directly from the separate companies, you must know all the details and to write them on the paper. Also, when you have received quotes from several companies, you must create a comparison table, so that you can easily compare the bids.

3. Create A List Of Bidders.

It is wise to build up the list about the requirements of the companies from which you will ask offers. You have to remember to check every single company and the reputation it has. Only the long term and legal ventures are accepted to the list.

4. Make The Bidders To Compete Against Each Other.

This is the engine of your process. The companies have to note, that you are a serious seller and they must do their best to get your deal. When they see, that there has been 10 bidders, for instance, they take the bidding seriously. No good company wants to become number two, especially when they note, that it will be published to the other companies.

5 The Assistance From An Expert.

To sell structured insurance settlement is not an easy and quick job. It will require patience and expertise. Many sellers are not experts, how could they be, if they do this kind of a deal once in the lifetime. That is the very reason, why it is wise to use an expert.

However, you as a seller are responsible about the results. Remember to act aggressively, because that honestly gives an impression about a seller, who knows what he or she is doing.

by: Juhani Tontti

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