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subject: Slip Risk Assessment In The Workplace [print this page]

Slip Risk Assessment In The Workplace

Employers have a responsibility to their employees to provide a safe work environment. One common cause of workplace injury is slips or falls. Most injuries of this nature are preventable. Frequently conducting an assessment to identify any hazards is an effective way to prevent incidents.

It is important that all employees wear any required safety equipment at all times while in the workplace. Sturdy shoes with non-skid soles should be worn. Initiate and enforce a dress code that includes suitable footwear. If such a dress code is already in effect, assess whether it is being adhered to and whether it continues to be suitable.

Having a well-lit workplace goes a long way towards preventing slips and falls. Examine the work area and assess whether the lighting is adequate to allow safe navigation. Provide emergency lights in an accessible location in case of the event of a power outage. Use plug-in emergency lights that activate when the power is interrupted. Provide flashlights in several convenient locations.

The floor should be free of any unnecessary obstacles. Any cords should be kept out of the floor whenever possible. If it is not possible to remove all cords, they should be secured with a cord cover and made more visible with bright colors. Whenever possible, place equipment in a manner that minimizes protruding objects or parts. Make sure all rugs or mats are in good repair with no frays or tears. Have them fastened to the floor if they can be easily bunched or crumpled. Any rugs that begin to permanently curl should be replaced immediately.

Assure that the floor is free of any spills or other wet hazards. The employees should be trained to clean any spills immediately. Have warning signs or cones on hand for marking any potential hazards. Provide floor drains in areas that are likely to experience frequent wet hazards, such as near sinks, drinking fountains, or restrooms.

Any sudden changes in terrain, such as stairs, a slope, or a transition from one kind of flooring to another, should be assessed for safety. Provide non-skid strips and hand rails where necessary. Display highly visible signs warning of any potential hazards.

It is crucial that the workplace be assessed on a regular basis and all safety rules be enforced. By thoroughly assessing all of these risk factors, an employer can help protect valuable staff from work-related injury.

There are several companies available on the Internet that specialise in slip risk assessments in the workplace.

Copyright (c) 2009 Ianson Internet Marketing

by: Louise G

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