subject: Is It Possible To Get A Cash Advance In A Matter Of Minutes? [print this page] A fast cash advance or an instant loan is the most convenient and speedy way to get some money for your financial needs. You hardly have to wait for a long time before you receive such funds. The application process is fairly simple and there are very little requirements. Most of all, if you are able to use the online lenders for this service, then it will be an added benefit.
Cash advances are loans that are small in monetary value. They usually range between a $100 to $1500. If you are looking for a short-term financial relief that is easy and fast to get, then these loans are the best option. There is absolutely no credit checking so don't worry about having some missed or default payments on your credit card. Anyone who is employed or even unemployed can use such loans.
The requirements for such loans are that you have to be 18 or above and be a citizen of the United States. You also need to have your contact and a current bank account details ready. These are needed by the lending companies to be able to reach you with the status of your application form and the subsequent payment into your bank account. Lastly, you also need to provide your employment details by showing that you have a current job for the last 3 months with recurring income.
If you apply online, then the whole application process takes from 1 hour to a day. It usually depends on your requirements. Moreover, it is very easy for online lending companies to verify your data if you apply through their website. There is no need to post or fax your documents. All of your information is electronically accessed and verified. If everything on your application form is in perfect order, you will normally get a call from the lending companies in a matter of few minutes.
Subsequently, the loan amount will be automatically transferred to your given bank account. This is because you have authorized the lending company to make the payment on your behalf. Normally, you receive about 2-4 weeks to repay the borrowed amount. If you feel that you are unable to repay it, then you must inform the lending company about this and they will grant you a small extension on your existing deadline.
To avoid yourself of the pain and agony felt by an immediate and terrible financial situation, then get online and receive a fast cash advance before your next paycheck.
by: Walter Sigmore
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