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subject: What To Do While In Orange Beach Alabama [print this page]

What To Do While In Orange Beach Alabama

If you want a vacation full of fun, Orange Beach is the perfect destination. Once you book your Gulf Shores hotel, you will be close to lots of activities for the entire family. Reserve your room at the Fairfield Inn & Suites Orange Beach so you will be in the middle of the best attractions Orange Beach has to offer.

One of the biggest attractions is Tanger Outlet Centers. Tanger is located in Foley, which is just ten miles from Orange Beach. The outlet offers a variety of stores and savings. Shoppers can pound the pavement and find great deals when they shop at Tanger.

After a day of shopping, guests can take the family to Adventure Island. Not only is Adventure Island the home of the Gulf Coasts only active volcano, but it also has lots of fun activities for the entire family. With go karts, bumper boats, kids rides, an arcade and more, Adventure Island is a great spot for family fun.

Travelers should also be sure to also include Alabama Dolphin Cruises in their itineraries. Visitors go out in search for dolphins while in an air conditioned boat. Guests are able to leave the Fairfield Inns Gulf Shores, Alabama hotel and arrive at the cruise in a matter of minutes. Once the adventure is over, they can go back to their spacious room and relax.

by: Corningstone

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